RNS Tal Handaq - Notice Board

The Royal Naval School Tal Handaq

The RNS Tal Handaq has been a school since January 1947, although at that time only the buildings in the southern and central area of the school had been built. The remaining buildings were built during the 1950's and very early 60's with the objective of supporting a complement of some 800 pupils. However during the three years I attended the school numbers had increased well beyond expectation and by the time I left Malta at the end of the 1959/60 school year there were more than 1,000 pupils at the school. Even so class size was not excessive - in fact I don't remember there ever being more than 25 in any of my classes. With the exception of a few short months in 1972 Tal-Handaq was both a secondary modern and secondary grammar school (*later a comprehensive school) for British forces children until its closure in July 1978. A much more complete history of the Royal Naval School Tal-Handaq was written by ex headmaster, Captain M.F.Law and is available to read HERE.

*The school was renamed "The Combined Services Comprehensive School" in the late 1960's.

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RS Tal Handaq - Liceo MA Vassalli


The Mauve Gallery

Click this thumbnail to visit a gallery of images taken around the general area of Blocks 4 to 7. These are the so called Romney Huts built around 1959/60 and first put into use as classrooms in 1960.

This gallery also includes Block 17:  The new Music Room and the last classroom block to be built at the school. Work started on this block in 1960.